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Mohammad (Leafs Flower)


Islamic Calligraphy Art 'Muhammad leafs flower' hope you will like this one too.



Maryam said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maryam said…
Wonderful, Mashallah!
Ayu said…
Great picture....enjoy ur day
Nita said…
Hi there, thanks for dropping by. I'm here to return the favor.

Another Blogger said…
Really Great Art work. Subhanallah!
Another Blogger said…
Love this! Please visit my new blog, I have my own domain now :)
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Juliet said…
Love your art work. I've seen so many abstracts in the muslim craft and they are very beautiful.
desertboa said…
nice art. btw, thank you for dropping on my ecard in Asian Treasure.

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